Running & Racing

Saturday, February 16, 2008


I was looking for a good heart rate monitor that I could run with. I was one made by Garmin that has a GPS device. I have now convinced myself that I need that. The thing I hate the most about running outside is I can't monitor my speed and can only guess how far I've run. Running with a GPS device will tell me not only my current pace but also how far I've run.

The only model that I can find in the stores is the forerunner 305 which is pretty bulky on to wear on your wrist. The new 405 model is out but I can't find it anywhere.

I know if I get the 305 now I won’t be happy with it so I will probably wait.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

2008 Race Schedule

I plan to run in the following races this year. All are repeats from last year except the Chicago Marathon. I would like to find a couple more 5k races this spring but so far I haven’t seen too much out there that I would like to run.

2/23 – Bolt Run 5k (Tampa)
3/16 – St Pats 5k (Brandon)
4/12 – Seminole Stampede 5k or 10k
5/3 – May Classic 5k (Tampa)
6/7 – Spring into Summer 5k (Tampa)
10/12 – Chicago Marathon
12/6 – OUC Half-Marathon (Orlando)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

New PR in Gasparilla Half

I just missed my goal of sub 1:36 but I still finished the Gasparilla half in a new PR of 1:37:15. I had something left at the end but I’m not sure it was enough to have run 1:15 faster. I still have a long way to go but when I set a PR after almost every race I know I’m doing something right.

Overall it was another well run race. The start temp was in the low 50’s which is about perfect for me. There was a little headwind when running north on Bayshore to the finish but it probably didn’t affect my time more than a few seconds.

It’s now time to start focusing on 5k’s for a few months.