Running & Racing

Monday, March 16, 2009

Weekly summary 3/15/09

Weekly Total 37.4
Tuesday 8.71
Wednesday 7.76
Thursday 5.2
Friday 5.63
Sunday 1, 3.1, 6.03
Average pace 7:19

Last week was my lowest weekly total in a long time. Easing up on the miles didn’t help my 5k time though. For the week I focused more on increasing the speed of my runs. My weekly average pace was 7.09, not counting my easy runs on Sunday, and 7.19 overall. Overall I was pain free this week. My heel was a little sore on my Sunday afternoon run but after a race that should be expected.

Since I have another 5k this week I going to keep the training schedule about the same. Easy runs on Mon & Thurs and medium runs on Tues & Wed. I’ll take Friday off before the race and try to get in an easy run after the race and a long run on Sunday. I should be around 45 miles this week and then it’s back to the big miles as I get ready for Boston.

5 weeks until Boston

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