Running & Racing

Sunday, February 10, 2008

New PR in Gasparilla Half

I just missed my goal of sub 1:36 but I still finished the Gasparilla half in a new PR of 1:37:15. I had something left at the end but I’m not sure it was enough to have run 1:15 faster. I still have a long way to go but when I set a PR after almost every race I know I’m doing something right.

Overall it was another well run race. The start temp was in the low 50’s which is about perfect for me. There was a little headwind when running north on Bayshore to the finish but it probably didn’t affect my time more than a few seconds.

It’s now time to start focusing on 5k’s for a few months.


Greg On the Run said...

Congratulations on the PR! It's why I love racing - I'm so slow that I can't help but set a PR everytime I lace up my shoes.

Found you on the Complete Running Network.

Mark said...

as long as you're improving it doesn't matter what your starting point was.

Anonymous said...

wot max said - a world record holder is only someone who is better today than they were yesterday..

Nice one..