Overall: 5097 out of 31000+
Another HOT marathon. I don't have any luck. Chicago had near record heat for a second straight year. Two days before or after would have been great weather to run in. Oh well, I still had a great time. This was my first "Big City" marathon that I should have done a long time ago but it was well worth the wait.

The course layout was great and the crowds were incredible. It was like taking the top spectator areas at Disney and stretching them over 60% of the course. There wasn't a spot on the course where there wasn't someone cheering you on.
Even though it was going to be a warm one, I still kept to my plan to run hard. I had a great pace for the first 15k (1:11:34) but the heat started catching up with me shortly after that. When the 3:30 pace group finally passed me by at mile 16 I knew it was over. I backed off my pace and even added in a little walking but by mile 22 I had nothing left.
Two days later I feel fine and ready to get back to training for Philadelphia.
Chicago was hot alright. I changed my attitude, took off my shirt and ran it in the frame of mind that it was just another long hot training run in Florida with a lot of people cheering.
Next for me will be Gasparilla.
I'll be running the half at gasparilla but I have 2 marathons (Philadelphia, Phoenix) before then. Both are sure to be cooler than Chicago.
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