Running & Racing

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Marathon Maniac

Am I a marathon maniac? Maybe not yet but I’m working on it.

I feel I have an addiction to racing. I hate the thought of having to wait 1-2 months for the next race. I have my race calendar set for the next 2 years and I keep looking at to see if I can fit in another race somewhere.

I’m a little concerned that I might be overdoing it a little but then I see people like the maniacs and I feel like a wimp (I only raced in 3 marathons this year). I don’t have the desire (or the money) to race every weekend like some of these people but since I’ve achieved my BQ goal I need new challenges. I’m in the middle of 3 marathons in 14 weeks but unfortunately that just misses qualifying me to be a maniac. I have to run 3 in 90 days. My 2009 schedule will get me closer 3 in 91 days. So I might have to put that off for another year to 2.

For 2009 I want to run at least 5 marathons and try bunching races closer together to see how I can handle it. I want to error on the cautious side (well maniac cautious) and not do too much too fast. My first test might come in January. I entered the Disney half early this year. Later this summer I decided to run the Rock’nRoll Arizona marathon instead which is a week later. I’m now entertaining the thought of running both. The temps on Disney weekend have ranged from 30 to 80 so I’ll let the weather decide my fate. If it’s below 45 I’ll run Disney. We have had a pretty cold fall this year so there is a pretty good chance it will be cold on Jan 10. If I end up running both and do well then ’ll feel better about running marathons 4 or even 3 weeks apart instead of 6-8 weeks now.

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